OCDC // World Making Matter / PROJECT ARCHIVE // 1998-2010 /
Tiger-to-Tiger / Web Index Edition >

Copyright 1998-2019

2005 // Art City Gallery /
As a street venue for visual arts exhibition, the project allows the transient pedestrian traffic to flow through the gallery space while experiencing emergent forms of art display. As a mobile structure that can be transformed into various configurations to accommodate multiple exhibition programs simultaneously, the gallery specifically has the capacity to house three types of visual artwork display: Wall mount medium, freestanding object, and firm/video media projection.
Experientially, the Art City Gallery provokes sensational curiosity for the viewers by their unaware participation in the project. The lift of the building emphasizes and frames a portion of the participants' body inside the gallery. It is akin to the experience of watching someone in a self-service photo booth who is behind a shortened curtain that reveals the lower body. A peeped view of a portion of the body inspires the dynamic speculation of the unseen. Passers-by are drawn by the curious force of the partially-obscured object of attention.
Project Lead: Andy Ku // Project Team: Peter Dang, Steve Kim, Andy Ku, Kam Ku, Lionel Lambourn, Richard Yoo

