The project Macrofluidics professes the direct implementation of market economy to create new urban infrastructure and architecture. This planning strategy and product is ingrained in the seduction of constant, profit-driven logic. The limits of city growth like Silicon Valley are modulated by the propensity of this planning device, which is designed to enhance the performance of business models and industries. The development of Macrofluidics is programmed as metastasis of cellular infection that spreads in the direction of urban and economic desire.
Macrofluidics is a flexible system that defaults to promote change. It is designed to prolong the life span of consumption and to create configurations that assist production efficiency. The prefabricated module is an expandable and mass-produced singularity. The organization of modules is powered by the needs of business structure. They inform the placement and configuration/composition of Macrofluidics.
Macrofluidics is the organization and networks of corporate conglomerates. The project displays how the logic of workflow becomes a program to generate a cohesive construct as a city. It is neither a narcissistic projection nor a contingency for utopic master planning. Macrofluidics is an agent that serves as a play and challenge to reciprocate the interest between market logic, economic efficiency and metabolistic freedom; It is a set of informal politics and rules that funnels between production and desire.
Project Team: Andy Ku, Kam Ku, Ted Ngai